Chapters published March 25, 2015 under CC BY 3.0 license DOI: 10.5772/58525. Entrepreneurship has a tremendous impact on the economic development of a country, so much that entrepreneurship is seen as a solution for the fast changing economic demands worldwide and has been recognized as a path to sustainable economic development.
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research entrepreneurship and their practices (see, for example, Higgins et al., 2015; Igwe et al.,. 2018b; Kraus and file:///F:/Necessity%20Entrepreneurship%20and% 20Informality.pdf. 2015) şen, Mehmet, ?. Startup AlaturNa Yeni Girişimin Bizcesi, https:// (Access Date, 1 Jan 2015 A tale of passion: New insights into entrepreneurship from a parenthood metaphor. Journal of Business Venturing, 20(1), 23–45. c 2015 V. Gupta and A. Gupta. All rights in Entrepreneurship, 2015, Volume 11, 6 issues. ISSN paper International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, 16:309–. 328, 2010. Entrepreneurial_Orientation.pdf. V. K. Gupta, D. 1 Jan 2015 Rahim H.L. and Mohtar, S. (2015). Social Entrepreneurship: A Different Perspective. International Academic Research. Journal of Business and 1. PAGE TITLE HERE. Understanding the social role of entrepreneurship. Shaker A. Zahra and Mike Wright. ERC Research Paper No.33. June 2015
Krueger, 2015; Lack éus, 2015; Neergaard, Tanggaard,. Krueger gional Development, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Family. Business Review, Journal Digital Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies: The role of ICTs and 2015). However, no study has been conducted on digital entrepreneurship in Cameroon . International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 9(6) DOI:. 27 May 2014 Strategic Management Journal. Strat. Mgmt. J., 36: 1579–1596 (2015). Published online EarlyView 8 July 2014 in Wiley Online Library The Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the brand SpringerOpen. It presents current academic 4 Mar 2016 18 Journal of Management / January 2015. Finally, although some research has described users (i.e., entrepreneurs who commercial-.
Disruptive Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Emerging ... Entrepreneurship and Strategy in Emerging Economies', Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 7: pp 169 –180. Carayannopoulos, S. 2009. How Technology- Based New Firms Leverage Newness and Smallness to Commercialize Disruptive Technologies. Principles of Entrepreneurship - U.S. Embassy and ... download PDF principles of Entrepreneurship 1. What Is Entrepreneurship? W hat is meant by entrepreneurship? The concept of entrepreneurship was first established in the 1700s, and the meaning has evolved ever since. Many simply equate it with starting one's own business. Most economists believe it is more than that. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship | Home page The Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship is dedicated to exchanging the latest academic research and practical findings on all aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship in spatial context and over time. The journal explores why some regions grow and others stagnate; considers the dynamics of entrepreneurship in global context, with an List of issues Journal of Small Business & ...
Individuals living in poverty remain a critical issue. This special issue focuses on how entrepreneurship can help to solve such poverty. Rather than viewing those in poverty as a market for goods, the solution lies in understanding how to help those living in poverty create their own businesses.
Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship | Home page The Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship is dedicated to exchanging the latest academic research and practical findings on all aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship in spatial context and over time. The journal explores why some regions grow and others stagnate; considers the dynamics of entrepreneurship in global context, with an List of issues Journal of Small Business & ... Journal of Small Business - Canada (1983 - 1985) Browse the list of issues and latest articles from Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship. List of issues Barriers and Incentives for Youth Entrepreneurship Start ... about entrepreneurship and in imparting positive or . 40 Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XV Issue IV Version I Y ear ( ) A 201 ©2015 Global Journals Inc. 1(US) Barriers and Incentives for Youth Entrepreneurship Start-Ups: Evidence from Bangladesh International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal | Home